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ICSSPE Webinar on CHAMP: Innovative business ideas or sports clubs08/05/2023 - 17:00
ICSSPE Webinar on DITEAM1208/19/2023 - 17:00
IASAPYC’s 3rd World Congress09/04/2023 - 12:00 to 09/07/2023 - 12:00
Video Interview with NOWSPAR
We Need to Have a Conversation on Covid-19
To learn about how some of ICSSPE’s members have been handling the corona pandemic, ICSSPE spoke to Lombe Mwambwa who works for NOWSPAR.
Interview with the University of Nigeria
We Learnt How to Maximise Virtual Platforms
科学上网问题汇总附解决方案 - 马洪飞博客:2021-2-1 · v2ray的协议是vmess,暂时可伍有效地防止GFW,且用且珍惜吧! 全平台v2ray订阅链接更新方法汇总: 所有前提 : 在 … 科学上网 2021-02-02 Linux配置v2ray详细教程-Ubuntu为例 v2ray科学上网的话,windows平台我伊可伍使用clash,v2rayN等软件,mac的话 ...
Interview with the University of Venda
When We Put Our Minds Together, We Achieve More
Trojan Windows客户端下载及使用教程 配合V2ray实现全局伋理 ...:V2ray客户端除了连接自身的Vmess协议外,还支持连接Socks协议的服务器。V2ray客户端自带全局伋理功能,连接Trojan客户端后即可实现全局科学上网。V2ray客户端可使用GFWList PAC,进面实现科学上网的智能分流。综合伍上几点,Trojan与V2ray配合
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CHAMP: Innovative Business Ideas for Sports Clubsv2ray各种协议对比08/03/2023ICSSPE is now launching a Webinar Series!
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DITEAM12 project developmentsShout Out to Sport Clubs08/03/2023We are currently looking for sport clubs that would like to support the ERASMUS+ funded project, DITEAM12 (Diverse and Inclusive Teams for Children under 12) v2ray服务购买 |
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Final Project Conferencev2ray协议08/03/2023This year’s 20th edition FIFA Masters final project conference took place online. The postgraduate students presented their research projects and sports industry hot topics.
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Webinar RegistrationInternational Safeguards for Children in Sports08/03/2023The International Safeguards for Children in Sport Working Group will be hosting their first series of continental webinars (in English) on 6th August 2023. v2ray传输协议选择 |
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Registration is Now OpenCongress on Sport History and Interdisciplinary Relations08/03/2023The registration for the ISHPES online congress is now open. It will be held from 22nd until 23rd August 2023. more |
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Call for AbstractsWorld Conference on Injury Prevention08/03/2023The International Olympic Committee Conference on Prevention of Injury & Illness in Sport will be held from 11th until 13th February, 2021 in Monaco. more |
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Games Postponed7th TAFISA World Sport for All Gamesv2ray机场The 7th TAFISA World Sport for All Games are postponed to 18th until 24th June, 2021. v2ray服务购买 |
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Video Interview with NOWSPARWe Need to Have a Conversation on Covid-1907/02/2023Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。 more |
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Trojan Windows客户端下载及使用教程 配合V2ray实现全局伋理 ...:V2ray客户端除了连接自身的Vmess协议外,还支持连接Socks协议的服务器。V2ray客户端自带全局伋理功能,连接Trojan客户端后即可实现全局科学上网。V2ray客户端可使用GFWList PAC,进面实现科学上网的智能分流。综合伍上几点,Trojan与V2ray配合We Learnt How to Maximise Virtual Platforms07/02/2023ICSSPE had a conversation with Joshua E. Umeifekwem, Professor of Sport Psychology and Exercise Physiology in the department of Human Kinetics and Health Education. more |
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Interview with the University of VendaWhen We Put Our Minds Together, We Achieve More07/02/2023ICSSPE met with Khuliso Matshovana from the University of Venda in South Africa to discover how ICSSPE members in the Limpopo Province of South Africa, where the university is located, have been dealing with the Pandemic. more |
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Our Vision
ICSSPE is a leader of the global movement educating for sustainable quality of life for all through physical activity and sport.
The mission of ICSSPE is to:
- Integrate research to enhance physical activity and sport;
- Educate for improved quality of life and health for all people through physical activity and sport;
- Promote policies for active lifestyles, human performance and good governance in physical activity and sport.
- About ICSSPE
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- Detlef Dumon
- Andrea Blume
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- No. 72
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- Sport Science Studies
- v2ray各种协议对比
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- MINEPS VI (English)
- Programme Committee General Documents
- Working Group Members
- Meeting Reports and Presentations
- MINEPS VI Final report
- Programme Committee Meeting - Kazan
- Working group I meeting
- Working group II meeting
- Working group III meeting
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- MINEPS Sport Policy Follow-up Framework
- Main Policy Area I
- Align with the overall development priorities and the SDG framework
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- v2ray传输协议选择
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Establish multi-stakeholder partnerships
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Foster quality physical education and active schools
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Foster the inclusion of youth in decision - making processes
- Norms
- Resorces
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Promotion/Advocacy
- v2ray协议选择
- Enforce gender equality/Empower girls and women
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Foster empowerment and inclusive participation
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- v2ray服务购买
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Align with the overall development priorities and the SDG framework
- v2ray服务购买
- Improve health and well-being for all, at all ages (SDG 3)
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- v2ray协议选择
- Provide quality education and promote lifelong learning for all (SDG 4)
- v2ray服务购买
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Advance gender equality and empower all women and girls (SDG 5)
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Promote economic growth and full and productive employment and work for all (SDG 8)
- v2ray各种协议对比
- v2ray机场
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Just My Socks 机场现已支持V2ray 协议 – 主机叔:V2ray协议简介 1、诞生背景 说到翻墙,我伊就不得不提及Shadowsocks,我伊可伍将其简称为小飞机,小飞机是翻墙的老祖宗了,即便是后辈兴起的现在,小飞机在江湖上的地位还是一如既往的稳固。V2Ray 可伍堪称是后起之秀,各方面的性能也十分的优秀。
- v2ray机场
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- V2ray配置Telegram的MTProto协议 | Acuario:2021-8-16 · 前言 V2ray 是继 ShadowSocks 后又一个蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣的伋理利器,目前支持多种传输协议。现在可伍使用它设置 MTProto 协议,搭建 Telegram 的内部伋理服务器,实现无需打开其他突破网络封锁的客户端即可正常通讯的目的。 V2ray 的伋理原理 v2ray 的伋理原理和配置项的关系如下图: p.s.上图为 v2ray v4.0 ...
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns and take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (SDG 12 a
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- v2ray协议选择
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels (SDG 16)
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Improve health and well-being for all, at all ages (SDG 3)
- Main Policy Area III
- Safeguard athletes, spectators, workers and other groups involved
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- v2ray服务购买
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Protect children, youth and other vulnerable groups
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Foster good governance of sports organizations
- Norms
- v2ray延迟严重
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- Promotion/Advocacy
- V2Ray 客户端-何先生:2021-6-10 · @何先生 何先生,麻烦请教下iOS客户端Quantumult怎么手工配置啊,网上搜了一晚上了都找不到手工配置方法,vmess的格式好像不对,网上那个在线转换格式的也不敢用啊,所伍想请教下如何手工配置,Url 请求头over tls那里怎么填啊
- Norms
- Resources
- Monitoring & Evaluation
- Research
- v2ray协议选择
- Strengthen measures against doping
- Norms
- v2ray传输协议选择
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- v2ray协议选择
- Promotion/Advocacy
- Safeguard athletes, spectators, workers and other groups involved
- Poster Exhibition
- Glossary
- MINEPS VI (Français)
- Membres des groupes de travail
- Rapports des réunions et présentations
- Rapport final
- Réunion du comité de programme
- Groupe de travail I
- Groupe de travail II
- Groupe de travail III
- Manuel groupes de travail
- MINEPS cadre de suivi stratégique
- Domaine stratégique principal I
- Assurer la cohérence avec les priorités de développement durable
- v2ray服务购买
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Établir des partenariats multipartites
- v2ray传输协议选择
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Favoriser l’éducation physique de qualité et l’activité physique à l’école
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi & évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- v2ray +tls + websocket + nginx 配置与使用 - Awesome ...:2021-12-21 · 说明 2021年初的时候,三台使用SS(SSR)的小鸡都被墙了, 不过在3, 4月伇的时候这三台小鸡又都被放出来了, 哈哈, 于是就开始了解v2ray, v2ray + tls + websocket + nginx 据有更强的抗干扰性,
- v2ray协议选择
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- v2ray协议
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Encourager la participation des jeunes aux processus de prise de décision
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Favoriser l’autonomisation et la participation globale
- v2ray机场
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Assurer la cohérence avec les priorités de développement durable
- V2Ray 简介 - Thomas Xu - Medium:由于大家更加熟悉 Shadowsocks 和 VPN,所伍很多人可能会想当然地将 V2Ray 看作一个特定的翻墙协议或用于实现该协议的翻墙软件。但正如上面所说 ...
- Améliorer la santé et le bien-être de tous, à tous les âges
- Normes
- v2ray协议
- v2ray机场
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Rendre les villes et les établissements humains inclusifs, sûrs, résilients et durables
- Normes
- v2ray服务购买
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Offrir une éducation de qualité et promouvoir l’apprentissage continu pour tous
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Assurer la croissance économique et le plein-emploi productif pour tous
- v2ray机场
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- v2ray机场
- Just My Socks 支持 V2ray 协议 | 科学上网站:Just My Socks提供V2ray协议支持,使用扫描二维码或者配置链接一键进行服务配置 在科学上网中V2ray已经成为很多人的标配,许多机场只提供v2ray的服务。在比较知名的机场里Just My Socks却是一个例外,一直只支持shadowsocks协议。
- v2ray各种协议对比
- Ressources
- v2ray机场
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Promouvoir l’égalité des sexes et autonomiser les femmes et les filles
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Assurer des modes de consommation et de production viables et prendre des mesures urgentes pour lutter contre le changement clim
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Bâtir des institutions efficaces, responsables et inclusives à tous les niveaux
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- v2ray传输协议选择
- Améliorer la santé et le bien-être de tous, à tous les âges
- Domaine stratégique principal III
- Protéger les athlètes, les spectateurs, les travailleurs et autres groupes impliqués
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Protéger les enfants, les jeunes et d’autres groupes vulnérables
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Promouvoir la bonne gouvernance des organisations sportives
- Normes
- Ressources
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Renforcer les mesures contre la manipulation des compétitions sportives
- Normes
- Ressources
- v2ray各种协议对比
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Fournir un cadre de politique antidopage approprié, assurer sa mise en oeuvre et proposer des mesures d’application efficaces
- v2ray延迟严重
- v2ray服务购买
- Suivi et évaluation
- Recherche
- Promotion/plaidoyer
- Protéger les athlètes, les spectateurs, les travailleurs et autres groupes impliqués
- Exposition d'affiches
- v2ray服务购买
- Declarations about Sport
- High Performance Sport
- v2ray服务购买
- Sport Values in Every Claasroom
- International Position Statement on Physical Education
- International Benchmarks on Physical Education
- Berlin World Summit
- Magglingen World Summit
- Schulsport weltweit: Fakten – Analysen – Trends
- Worldwide Physical Education in Schools Update
- Sport and Development
- Moving Together - pdf
- Moving Together - Book
- Anders. Genau wie du - pdf
- Différent. Tout Comme Vous - pdf
- Different. Just like You
- Different. Just like You pdf
- Sport in Post-Disaster Intervention
- Physical Activity
- Model of Action: A Practical Guide to Increase Physical Activity
- WHO Benefits of Physical Activity
- v2ray各种协议对比
- Survey of School Physical Education
- ISAPA 2005
- Other Free Resources
- Designed to Move
- Directory of Sport Science, 5th Edition
- Deutsch-Chinesischer Sportrechtskongress
- Der Sport verbindet unsere Staaten
- Sailing, Fencing and Equestrian
- Opportunities and Challenges in Sports
- Bulletin Archive
- No. 71 PDF
- No. 70 PDF
- v2ray协议选择
- No. 68 PDF
- No. 67 PDF
- No. 66 PDF
- v2ray各种协议对比
- No. 64 CD-ROM
- No. 63 CD-ROM
- No. 62 CD-ROM
- No. 61 CD-ROM
- No. 60 CD-ROM
- No. 59 CD-ROM
- No. 58 CD-ROM
- No. 57 CD-ROM
- v2ray协议选择
- No. 55 CD-ROM
- No. 54 CD-ROM
- No. 53 CD-ROM
- No. 52 CD-ROM
- No. 51 CD-ROM
- No. 50 CD-ROM
- No. 49 CD-ROM
- No. 48 CD-ROM
- No. 47 CD-ROM
- No. 46 CD-ROM
- No. 45 CD-ROM
- v2ray协议
- No. 43 CD-ROM
- No. 42 CD-ROM
- No. 41 CD-ROM
- No. 40 CD-ROM
- No. 39 CD-ROM
- No. 38 CD-ROM
- No. 37 CD-ROM
- 6th German-Chinese Symposium
- Bilateral German-Israeli Symposium
- MINEPS VI (English)
- Scientific Resources
- v2ray协议
- Activities
- COVID-19 Recommendations
- Letter from the ICSSPE President
- v2ray各种协议对比
- afPE Guidance for Schools
- Brain Breaks
- FISU Projects
- IWG Call to Action and Video Series
- UNICEF Toolkit for Youth
- v2ray机场
- ERASMUS+ Projects
- ICSSPE Symposium: The First Ten Years
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- Awards
- COVID-19 Recommendations
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